The essential JavaScript game engine handbook

Developing games with a custom engine can be a daunting but very rewarding undertaking. With the power of the web and some hand-crafted code, we can create gaming experiences that are impossible to achieve in any other ways. Join me as we explore in-depth the elements that make up a game engine and the unique games made with it.


Why I wrote this book and why it will be useful to you

Setup and tools

Setting up our project structure

Core game engine concepts

The essential elements of a real-time game engine

Graphics and rendering

Making our game look great


Making games that play well on mobile devices

Mathematics for games

Fundamental mathematical tools and techniques

Collision detection

A detailed examination of the different scenarios of colliding objects

Implementation of specific game features

Some common game features and how they're implemented

Design patterns

Proven solutions to common problems


Techniques and approaches to enable real-time multiplayer on the web